**NO NEED FOR LONG ANSWERS** MGT401: Week 11: Question 1 How should a corporati

Week 11:
Question 1
How should a corporation attempt to achieve synergy among functions and business units?
Question 2
How is the cellular/modular structure different from the network structure?
Week 12:
How can corporate culture be changed?
Question 2
When should someone from outside a company be hired to manage the company or one of its business units?
Click on the following link and read the article.
12.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):

Q. Write a short summary of the article.
Week 10:
In your own words, define performance management system and briefly describe each of its components.
Define an effective reward system from your point of view and discuss its impact on the organization.
Discuss the importance of performance appraisals and briefly describe the common characteristics of an effective performance appraisal system.
Week 11:
Briefly explain the integrated strategic change process.
Discuss some of the common drivers of transformational change in organizations and provide examples.
Briefly discuss organization design characteristics for worldwide strategic orientations.
Discuss the main differences between mechanistic and organic organization designs from your point of view.
Discuss the logic behind the trans organizations systems.
How organization development (OD) interventions enable mergers and acquisitions.
Week 12:
Discuss how (OD) interventions help organizations to achieve their economic, social, and environmental objectives.
Public and nonprofit organizations can deliver better social outcomes by systematically engaging in OD interventions. Do you agree? Why or why not?

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