After reading the recommendations from the 2020-2030 Future of Nursing report, a

After reading the recommendations from the 2020-2030 Future of Nursing report, as well as your other readings for this module, reflect on this content in relation to your work setting and patient safety. Compose an initial post that highlights an assessment of patient safety issues in your work setting.
Select and describe the most pressing patient safety issues in your work setting that you think needs improvement.
Provide rationale using evidence-based research on your patient safety issue that speaks to how patient safety could be improved in your work setting. What are the best practices? How are they being implemented? What could your work setting improve upon based on the best practices presented in the literature?
Select one (1) out of the eight (8) Future of Nursing recommendations that could best be utilized in helping to implement the changes for improved patient safety based on the evidence-based research you uncovered on your patient safety issue.
Given the readings you have completed thus far on leadership theory, in what ways do you think transformational leadership would best support the implementation of improved patient safety practices in your work setting?

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