you are to read a current news article about the Caribbean or Central America fr

you are to read a current news article about the Caribbean or Central America from the website for the North American Congress of Latin America (NACLA) and submit a short review. The due date for this review is Monday, November 13. Late reviews will be accepted for one week, and a one-grade deduction will be assessed.Please submit your review through Canvas in either of the following formats: doc, docx or PDF (if you are using Google Docs or Apple Pages to compose your review, please be sure to convert your paper to docx or PDF before submitting it). Late papers will be accepted for each submission, but only for one week after the assigned due dates and will be assessed a full grade deduction. Please use both a title page and a works cited page (neither of these pages count toward your 3-4 pages of text). The three NACLA reports that you submit will count as a combined 30% toward your final grade. In your works cited page, compose your article entry in a format like this:
Jennifer A. Cárcamo, “Poets and Prophets of Resistance: Intellectuals and the Origins of El Salvador’s Civil War,” NACLA Report on the Americas website (August 6, 2020).In terms of the content of each report, I am looking for two main points of discussion. First, you should devote the first half of the report to a summary of the main points in the article that you selected. To help you to address this issue, consider some of these questions: What is the main issue being discussed? (i.e. immigration, elections, education, environment, women’s issues, crime, etc.) Who are the main personalities mentioned in the article? (i.e. El Salvador president Nayib Bukele, President Biden, Secretary of State Blinken, former President Trump, etc.) How does the issue affect the people of the country mentioned in the article? Does the issue have any connection with United States interests? What do you think could be the best solution to resolve this problem?And for the second point of discussion, please analyze the article that you selected and present your point of view on the story. For example, how do you feel about the story? How did this article contribute to your understanding about modern Latin America? And what do you think about the author’s perspective on the article? How does this topic relate to contemporary political, economic or cultural themes in the United States today? I will add the article to the file that you need to do the report on, make sure it is 5-6 paragraphs with 5 sentences in each paragraph or more, and add the work cited
this will be my second report, I will add my first report to the file so you can see it, just read the instructions and let me know if you need anything specific its asking you
Have You Heard, Comrade? The Socialist Revolution is Racist Too (Aug. 2021) article for this report
I added my last assignment on the file

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