For my MICROeconomics class, this should be written on A, B, or C. If you’d pre

For my MICROeconomics class, this should be written on A, B, or C. If you’d prefer that I chose, I can but I figure options is always nice.
A. Current events: Find an article or interview (written or video) or combination relating to the same topic in micro-economics and provide a summary of your featured items. Students should be sure to include the following information in their write up that incorporates but is not ijmited to the following:
What is the title and what is the source of your article or interview?
Who is the author? Or who is the interviewer and interviewee?
Provide a summaiy of the main points of the piece.
What concepts and/or terms from class and economics are discussed or illustrated in your feature article/interview?
Incorporate at least three (3) terms and definitions or economic concepts from the course that are demonstrated by your article/interview.
Who are the gainers and losers in this situation?
Do you have a better understanding of this a1ticle/interview from taking this course? If so, in what ways?
Do you have a better understanding of the course and course-material after reading the article/listening to the interview?
Good sources for material would include but are not limited to The Economist, The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, CNBC.
B. Pick a commodity (such as com, wheat, sugar, lumber etc.) and research the history of that commodity and its pricing.
What commodity did you pick?
What seem to be overall pricing trends for your commodity in the U.S.?
How much has the commodity gone up or down over the last 20 years?
What factors seem to be most important to the pricing of this commodity?
Are there any price ceilings or price floors imposed for this commodity in the U.S.?
Have there been significant periods of surplus or shortage? How are they handled?
What goods is this commodity used for or in?
Does the U.S. import or export this commodity? If so, where to/from?
What are the benefits of this commodity to the economy? To society more generally?
What other questions should I be asking in this assignment?
What other information did you find interesting or significant?
C. Competition. Find a sector of the economy and a company in it for one of the following market structures: Perfect Competition, Monopoly, Oligopoly, Monopolist Competition. Answer the following questions·:
Which market structure does this fit into?
What are the hallmark features of this market structure?
In what ways does this firm/industry meet these hallmark features?
In what ways does this firm/industry NOT meet these hallmark features?
What would you expect the cost structure of this firm or industry to be? (i.e. high/low fixed costs, variable costs, total costs etc.)
What would you anticipate this firms short run and long run cost curves to look like?
What are some of the barriers this industry faces? How is it trying to overcome these?
NOTE: this is a “formal” college paper. Informal or colloquial language should be avoided. Use of first person “I’, “me”, “my” as well as contractions should be avoided. And proper MLA formatting and citations should be followed.

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