The Proposal Deadline is no later than Monday, Nov 27. Any proposal received aft

The Proposal Deadline is no later than Monday, Nov 27. Any proposal received afterwards will be penalized 3 points; any paper handed in without an approved proposal, or a radically altered proposal will be penalized an additional 4 points (that is out of the 55).
A hard copy of the proposal should be delivered in class — topic/films used revisions (without penalty), either requested by the Prof or made by the student should be handed in no later than the following class, Nov 29th.
Term papers will be 8-10 pages; refer to the instructions for the mid-term re other format details. Term papers should engage one to three films; other than overworked classics/popular films (subject to the discretion of the Prof). Additionally, there is a ban on focusing upon films discussed/featured in class.
Proposals should be in the form of a single paragraph that spells out your primary claim and methodological approach. Obviously, it must be linked to theory. You will then list the title/titles you plan to analyze. For some more obscure films that I may not have seen, you should be able to include (upon request) links that would enable me to stream said film(s).

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