Discussion 3 RPA Bundled Forms and Requirements Chapter 6: The Purchase Agreeme

Discussion 3 RPA Bundled Forms and Requirements
Chapter 6: The Purchase Agreement Bundled Forms, details the importance of the 8 forms required for the standard Residential Purchase Agreement package agents use when making offers for their clients.
Chapter 7: Completing the Purchase Agreement provides an in-depth analysis of filling out the Residential Purchase Agreement. After reviewing these chapters and their corresponding power points in Canvas please answer the following questions in your initial post:
What are the 8 forms required in the Standard Residential Purchase Agreement package and why are they all so important?
What is the Liquidated Damages clause and why do you think it must be signed before parties can move forward with the contract?
What are the main differences between Mediation and arbitration and why do you think Mediation between buyers and sellers is required if a dispute arises?
By 11:59 p.m., Sunday, November 12, 2023, you must reply to at least one of your classmates’ postings for this week.

I just uploaded chapter 7 and 6

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