1. Basic information about the country of origin of the genre of music. (50 poin

1. Basic information about the country of origin of the genre of music. (50 points)
Dominant religion/cultural traditions
Any significant customs or traditions, especially those related to music.
2. Describe the characteristics and history of the music. (50 points)
How has the music developed over time?
Description of the defining musical elements (rhythm, melody, texture/tone, form)
How and where the music is typically performed?
3. Connections between the music and the culture and the larger global context. (50 points)
What cultural values are expressed through the music?
In what ways has the music impacted the culture in which it is created?
In what ways have historical events helped shape the musical genre?
What impact has the music had beyond the culture in which it was created?
4. Identify and depict at least 1 instrument associated with this genre. (50 points)
Include a picture of the instrument.
What materials are the instruments made out of?
How is the instrument played?
What family does the instrument fit into using the Hornbostel-Sachs classification system (see your textbook, Chapter 6, pages 63-72)
Other background information about the instrument.
5. Discuss one representative musical artist and song that is closely associated with this genre. (50 points)
Brief summary of the artist and their music.
Discuss how they are connected to the music culture of their country.
Discuss any larger global impact they have had.
Provide at a YouTube or Spotify link to at least one musical example from this artist and genre.
Brief description of the song and its connection to the genre.
6. General mechanics and formatting of the paper. (25 points)
Minimum of 1000 words
Correct Cover Page Format (see above)
Bibliography with at least two sources (not Wikipedia)
7. Overall writing and grammar. (25 points)
Correct spelling.
Grammatically correct, college level writing
Clear, academic language free of slang, jargon, or vernacular/conversational language.

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