There are several evidence based theoretical counseling styles used with crimina

There are several evidence based theoretical counseling styles used with criminal justice clients. For this assignment, you will select one of the following treatment theories that you intend to use as a Criminal Justice Practitioner.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-CBT
Dialectical Behavior Therapy-DBT
Trauma Focused Therapy/Trauma Informed Care
Multisystemic Therapy-MST
After you have selected your treatment theory, you will be required to develop a 10-15 minute presentation with audio detailing your understanding of this theory as well as its applications to criminal justice offenders.
Please include the following information in your presentation:
Overview of selected theory
History of theory-brief overview
Theory (What is the theory’s perspective on the client-counselor relationship, what is the role of the counselor, what is the role of the client/offender).
Therapy Process
What is the process of change?
What are the goals in therapy?
What are the techniques used? Provide a brief description and example of how the specific techniques will work with an offender.
What is the scholarly research on this theory? Has this theory been proven to be effective with Criminal Justice Offenders/Clients?
Is this theory applicable with all offenders or only certain offenders?
What group of offenders is this theory most applicable?
What Criminal Justice counseling setting is this theory most applicable?
Personal Reflection
Likes and dislikes about this theory.
List at least one limitation of this theory.
Identify one strength of this theory.
Why do you believe this theory will work best to facilitate change with offenders.

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