I have attached the rubric and the rest is here: Please see the rubric for the d

I have attached the rubric and the rest is here:
Please see the rubric for the details of how I grade. If something is missing – you get a zero for that portion. 
55% Write reflectively and thoughtfully for at minimum 500-700 words (25%). Use Case Study (20%). Frame the problem without using the words “victim” or “criminal” – use people first language (5%). Make a reference to Robbins and Dowty Chapter 8 or my MODULE VIII Introduction to “Cultural Construction of Violent Conflict” (5%). What gives you hope?
15% Add urls of websites, embed videos about peace-building efforts, reconciliation, restorative justice, etc. for your case study. Describe the resources you add to the board in detail. Don’t just paste them in and say, “This is interesting” (which tells us absolutely nothing and will not get credit). Tell us why you chose it and why it is important.
10% Embed one image – one image of abstract art, a meme, a comic strip (etc etc) that says something you want to say visually. (Use the picture of a camera icon on the left top of the text box)

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