Write a complete Role Play from one of the below scenarios. In addition to the

Write a complete Role Play from one of the below scenarios. In addition to the role of the customer service provider, you will also need to include the role of the customer into your project. The Role Play will be graded based on the attached “Effective Customer Service Role Play” Rubric. The five main areas for the role play are:
Verbal Communication – two-way communication and effective feedback
Non-verbal Communication – non-verbal communication included in role play
Listening Skills – active listening and effective characteristics
Handling of Service Breakdowns and Recovery – customer successfully retained
Customer Service Via Technology – techniques for communication via technology.
****Scenario 1:
You are a customer service representative in a customer contact center that provides service to customers who have purchased small appliances from your company. A customer is calling to complain that she purchased a waffle iron from one of your outlet stores two weeks ago and it no longer works. She is upset because her in-laws and family are arriving in two days for an extended visit and they love her “special” waffles.****

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