Read your peer’s essay about the story Things Fall apart (attached as Heroism In

Read your peer’s essay about the story Things Fall apart (attached as Heroism In “Things Fall Apart”) and respond to it by answering each of the questions below:
1)What do you like about the draft? Point to a passage, approach, or idea in the draft that you find compelling and explain why.
2)What isn’t working? Be honest. What can the author work on to strengthen this essay? You may be interested in big ideas, pieces of evidence, organization, or grammar and style considerations.
3)What is the author’s argument? Do your best to restate the argument here. The author will use your response to gauge how well they have articulated the argument.
4)Cite one idea from a scholarly article that you read this week (scholary articles attached below, you MUST use one of the scholary articles attached below) which would help the author support her or his argument. In addition to explaining the idea, make sure you provide some identifying information about the article, and a page reference, so your peer can find the idea.

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