Experimental Design Project: How can PCR be used as a tool to investigate biolog

Experimental Design Project: How can PCR be used as a tool to investigate biological phenomena?

Design an experiment using PCR as a tool. Students may address any topic that would allow them to design the experiment. Remember to employee the scientific method.

First students should be clear that they are designing an experiment, they will not implement it.

In any experiment, there are three types of variables. The independent variable, the dependent variable and control variables. The experimental design should be easy to follow and should account for each variable. Make sure to note what will be measured and how many replicates should be completed.
When designing an experiment, begin with a question and then a statement of hypothesis. To remind you, a hypothesis is an answer to a question. Students may address any natural phenomena. The only limit is PCR must be used as a tool for testing the validity of the hypothesis.

Points outline:

Question addressed (5 points)

Hypothesis (10 points)

Experimental design (15 points)
Clear coverage of all variables
Explanation of Measurements
Clear explanation about how and why all measurements will be made.

Original use of PCR (5 points)

References (5 points)
#12 font Times New Roman

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