Below is a response written by a student from a recent discussion board, please

Below is a response written by a student from a recent discussion board, please write a response to the student response. The response should be at least 250 words.
(THE USE OF AI IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND WILL RESULT IN A FAIL) -No MLA references are needed in the response post. We strive for a lively discussion. Posts such as, “I agree with you,” or, ” Well said,” are fine as part of an ongoing discussion.
[Linked in the files is a copy of the chapter and discussion question that the student responded to]
(I have already responded to the initial question you are just responding to the student responses. I also added a screenshot of the response I submitted. I hope that will help.)
{Pls try not to comment on their lack of sources if there are any as they were not necessarily required. If they did use sources please disregard this comment)

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