Apply the logistic regression model on “movie attendance_logistic.sav” dataset,

Apply the logistic regression model on “movie attendance_logistic.sav” dataset, predict whether a college student is a “moviegoers” or a “non-moviegoers”(Q1), considering the following variables: Gender (Q12), and Classification(Q13).
1) Is this a high-performance model? (hint: Nagelkerke R-square)?
2) What percentage of students in the “moviegoers” category are predicted correctly? What percentage of students in the “non-moviegoers” category are predicted correctly? Overall, what is the percentage of correct prediction?
3) Are the estimated betas significant (hint: Wald-test)? What do they imply?
4) Based on this model, what is the probability of a female freshman to be a moviegoer? Show the calculation.

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