Project 3: Digital Marketing Analytics Step 2: Discuss Data Analytics While yo

Project 3: Digital Marketing Analytics
Step 2: Discuss Data Analytics
While you are about to continue attending meetings and participating in discussions in Week 6, Ying sends out the following email to you and the team.
INBOX: 1 New Message
Subject: Digital Marketing Follow-Up for CompanyOne
From: Ying Bao, Associate Consultant, MCS
To: You and Team
Hi team,
Great work on the first two topic discussions at last week’s meetings. I can tell we’re heading in the right direction. To keep the momentum going, I’d like you to complete two more group discussions at our meetings scheduled for this week. You can review these discussion topics in the attachment below. It is required that you respond to both of these topics as well.
As you discuss these topics, be sure you understand the following concepts related to data analytics:
working with data
tracking and collecting data
key elements of web analytics
segmentation in web analytics
Thanks for your focus, everyone. Review the readings, participate in the discussion activity.
Discussion Topics 3 and 4
For an introduction to web analytics, GA4, and the Google Merchandise Store, see the attached Intro-to-Web-Analytics-and-Google-Analytics-4.mp4 voice-over video (4:59).
Intro to Web Analytics and Google Analytics
Instructions for activating the Google Analytics demo account are available in the next step.
Review the discussion topics via the link above, go to the discussion area, and begin by posting one main response to each of the two topics. Support your arguments under each topic with at least one source from the course readings, and three reliable nonscholarly sources derived from your own research. Then respond to at least two postings from the class. Complete all discussion posts by the end of Week 6 at the latest.
Review the MBA Discussion Guidelines for instructions on participation in discussions.
When you have completed your discussions proceed to the next step, where you will answer the questions CompanyOne has posed to MCS about the extent of their online merchandise store’s success.

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