Objective: To analyze different electoral systems and assess how they impact rep

Objective: To analyze different electoral systems and assess how they impact representation in democratic societies.
Part 1: Introduction to Electoral Systems (20 points)
Provide an overview of different types of electoral systems, such as first-past-the-post (FPTP), proportional representation (PR), mixed-member systems, and single transferable vote (STV). Explain the basic principles and mechanisms of each system.
Highlight the importance of electoral systems in shaping political representation and governance.
Part 2: Case Study Analysis (40 points)
Select a specific country or region that uses one of the electoral systems mentioned above. Describe the political context and history of this region, including its unique challenges and issues related to representation.
Analyze the electoral system in use, including its strengths and weaknesses in the context of representation. Consider factors such as proportionality, inclusiveness, accountability, and the impact on minority representation.
Part 3: Comparison and Evaluation (20 points)
Compare the chosen electoral system to one or more alternative systems, discussing how these alternatives might influence representation differently.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the current electoral system in promoting fair and accurate representation in the chosen country or region. Consider potential reforms or changes that could enhance representation.
Part 4: Recommendations (20 points)
Based on your analysis, provide recommendations for potential changes to the electoral system in the chosen country or region. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these recommendations and their potential impact on representation.
Grading Criteria:
Thoroughness and accuracy of the description of electoral systems.
Depth and relevance of the case study analysis.
Critical evaluation of the electoral system and its impact on representation.
Quality and feasibility of recommendations.
Additional Information:
The assignment should be submitted electronically.
Proper citation and referencing of sources are mandatory.
The assignment is due on [Insert Due Date].
Late submissions may be penalized [Insert Penalty].
If you have any questions or need clarification, don’t hesitate to contact the instructor.

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