In any practice or research setting, strict application of professional ethical

In any practice or research setting, strict application of professional ethical standards plays an important part and furthers the role of professionalism in the area of psychology.
Write a 1,050-word case review for your supervisor based on the following dilemma.
Tawana is a psychologist starting work at a nonprofit women’s shelter. This is her first job out of school, and she is excited to make a good impression. She soon discovers that every therapist there has a heavy caseload, and the shelter is understaffed and running low on funds. Her clinical supervisor is pleased with Tawana’s work. One day, she requested that Tawana “double up” and take on another therapist’s caseload for the next week. She told Tawana that because of reimbursement issues, she should simply enter the session reports in the computer and not sign them so that they would appear to originate from the other therapist.

Address the following items:
1. Describe the selected ethical dilemma and why it is a dilemma.
2. Provide an argument for 2 methods of resolving the issue and justify the ethical resolution process you would take under each method.
3. Provide a rationale for why each method should be used, including the importance of ethical guidelines.
Cite. References. APA format.

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