Part I: Life Stress: Wha is it and How Does it Affect You? Because stress charac

Part I: Life Stress: Wha is it and How Does it Affect You?
Because stress characterizes the lives of most students, it’s important for you to understand the link between stress and health. Research shows that stress and health are related—there is no question about this! Along those lines, it is known that intervention can be successful in reducing stress toward a more healthy lifestyle. Click on the website
This video feature Dr. Maria Juarez-Reyes who is an assistant clinical professor of medicine at Stanford University to an external site.
What is meant by “stress?”
What are the five major areas of stress for people in general?
What did Hans Selye say about stress? How did he study it (as described in the video)?
What is the purpose of stress?
Describe the stress response as described in the video?
In describing the pathophysiology what is the relationship between stress and immune system? What is the relationship between stress and other functions such as brain function, mood, and pain perception?
What is transcendental meditation?
What is mindfulness and what are mindfulness types?
What are the benefits of meditation?
What is your stress level? What stresses you out the most? What plan do you think we most effective in helping you to reduce your stress?
Part II: Stress in Animals and Humans
Watch the following video, and then answer the questions below: to an external site.
What were five main points brought out in this video?
What did you find most interesting? Explain your response.
How are animals and humans similar and different regarding the experience of stress?

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