Using the Outline Template below as a guideline, create an outline for Sections IV (Introduction) and V (Body) of your report (sections highlighted in yellow) that includes:
Data points of the research you plan to present for each of the subsection of Section V. (i.e., the “Body” of your report).
“Talking” headings and subheadings” to replace the topical placeholder headings/subheadings used in the outline here. In other words, instead of “Body,” provide a descriiptive heading, and instead of “Discussion of Industry,” provide a descriiptive subheading. Do the same for each subsection.
Note: If you research is just product features, try again, that is not acceptable for this assignment. If you “target audience” is “everyone” or “people of all ages” or other generic statements, try again, that is not acceptable for this assignment.
I. Title Page
II. Table of Contents
III. List of Figures/Graphics
IV. Executive Summary
V. Introduction
A. Company History
B. Market Environment What is going on in the marketplace that
leads you to believe that this product will succeed?
C. Purpose of Report
VI. Body
A. Discussion of Industry
1. Overview of Industry
2. Facts/Stats about Industry
3. Trends in the industry
4. Show some key points w/ required Graph
B. Discussion of Competition
1. Competitor 1: Positive & Negative Features
2. Competitor 2: Positive & Negative Features
3. Etc.
4. Summary of Competitors
5. Show some key points w/required Graph
C. Discussion of Proposed New Product/Service
1. Discussion of product/service features and benefits
2. Positioning of product/service relative to competition
3. Show an understanding of competitive edge of your product/service vs.
the competition
4. Market share of your product compared to the competition
D. Discussion of Target Audience
1. Demographics of target audience
a) Age, income, level of education, gender, race, occupations
2. Psychographics
a) Values, opinions, lifestyles, activities, other products they purchase
3. Summarize in a “profile” of the typical customer of the product/service
4. Show some key points w/required Graph
E. Market Environment
1. Identify and discuss at least 2 market trends that support your purpose
2. Identify and discuss at least 1 strength of your company that will allow this
product to success in this environment.
3. Show some key points w/required Graph
F. Findings
1. Analysis of the research
2. Summary
3. Conclusions–why you believe the product will succeed
VII. Sources or Works Cited (at least 7, APA formatted)
VIII. Appendices (Labeled “A-Z”) — Optional
A. For example: photos, tables showing product specifications, advertisements, etc.
B. Others . . .
Submit as a word document (.doc or .docx) and be sure to use APA format as outlined in the Module 7 link to OWL at Purdue University. The product has to be the BMW M4 2024!
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