Write a 3-5 page, double-spaced, MLA-formatted literary analysis of “A Good Man

Write a 3-5 page, double-spaced, MLA-formatted literary analysis of “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Conner
For the literature analysis, you may choose to write about any of the formalist strategies we discuss in this module. DO NOT USE ANY OUTSIDE SOURCES OTHER THAN THE STORY YOU ARE WRITING ABOUT. In other words, don’t surf the web for ideas—use your own brain. Your analysis could be of a major or minor character in the story. It could be a discussion of tone (the author’s implied attitude toward his subject) or irony (verbal, situational, or dramatic). It could be an analysis of the major themes of the work. It could even be a discussion about how the setting informs the plot. If the resolution is open-ended, you might even try to figure out what actually happens in the end of the tale. In short, you have free rein to discuss any aspect of the story you choose. Just drop me an email to let me know what you will be writing about as soon as you decide, and I will let you know if you have workable idea and provide some guidance on how to proceed with it. This will save you from spending too much time on an unworkable thesis.

This paper requires you to use direct textual evidence to support your thesis—that means you need to quote dialog and words from the text to help prove what you are trying to claim in the essay. Watch the presentation “Anatomy of A Paragraph” again for a detailed discussion of how to go about citing a primary source directly. Once again, do not search the web for ideas. The essay will be run through turn-it-in software, I know these stories very well and I know what has been written about them and by whom. Plagiarism is not an option. Other aspects of the text that you may use to support your thesis include (limited) plot discussion, imagery, author word choice and diction.
A word of caution: don’t waste valuable writing space retelling the story in your paper. Excessive plot summary is unnecessary. Only discuss the parts of the story that help to prove your thesis. Assume your reader is very familiar with the work and that it would be tedious to rehash what happened to him. Your discussion should be about the finer points of the work, instead.
The essay will be graded on the quality of insight, how well-supported the thesis is, and for grammatical correctness and proper documentation.

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