Assignment Question As a member of the Executive Team for an organization s

Assignment Question
As a member of the Executive Team for an organization serving vulnerable children, you have been tasked to prepare a report summarizing the development of a program to support these children. Your task as an experienced manager hoping to convince others to address the problem is to prepare an Issue Brief that:
o presents facts on the nature of this problem, (incidence, prevalence, special needs of this population)
o identifies the individual, familial, and community risks that have contributed to the problem
o discusses relevant policy initiatives or laws around the problem
o explores why it makes sense (and cents) for the community to support this population and fund programs to support the problem
o notes other systems that may also be serving these children
o identifies the protective factors that may be lacking in the families of these children
o summarize at least three program models or evidence-based interventions to improve the outcomes for these specific children and families in the child welfare system
o presents resources already available to address the issue and support the population
o discuss ways that the problem could have been prevented from affecting children altogether
It is to be presented in a format that clearly outlines content marked with headings for the following sections:
? Nature of the Problem
? Risk Factors
? Policy Implications
? Case for Support
? Collaborating Systems
? Protective Factors
? Program Models
? Current Resources Available
? Prevention
? Annotated Bibliography for Issue Brief: (Use APA guidelines for preparing your bibliography.)
More Info on your Syllabus. choose a borough in New York for your program.

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