Introduction Obesity ratesLinks to an external site. are at an all time high in

Obesity ratesLinks to an external site. are at an all time high in the United States. In fact, these rates have more than tripled since the 1980’s! In response, food manufacturers have attempted to create and market foods that are “healthier”, such as low-fat and low-sugar products.
Your Tasks
Task 1- Original Post
Please discuss the following in your original post:
How would you explain the high obesity rates in the United States despite changes to our food markets? Are we focusing on the wrong things? If so, what should we focus on instead? (15 points)
The post must be at least 250 words. (2 points)
Include at least 1 outside reference, cited in APA format. This reference needs to be cited both in-text and at the end of the post in a reference list. (3 points)
Task 2- Peer Response
Respond to at least 2 classmate’s posts. Discuss whether you agree or disagree with their opinion. Additionally, discuss the similarities and differences between your findings regarding food laws and health. (10 points)
Grading and Submission
Your initial post and 2 peer response posts are due on Saturday, November 4th by 11:59 PM. Please write your post in the text box (in other words, do not post an outside document). This assignment is worth a total of 30 points, and will be graded based on the overall quality of work. The point system is outlined above and you will be graded based on the attached discussion rubric.
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