For the writing part of this exercise, imagine that you are the chair of an NGO

For the writing part of this exercise, imagine that you are the chair of an NGO (non-
governmental organization) focused on human health. You hear that the World Health
Organization is inviting proposals from NGOs. They ask you to propose a program to or
eradicate a species (e.g. small pox, see example proposal in the lab manual). They are inviting
proposals for any disease anywhere in the world. Before you to write a whole fat dossier,
they want interested NGOs to submit a brief proposal of 700 to 900 words that achieves the
following tasks:
(1) WHAT: target one disease,
(2) WHY: explain the benefits of eradicating or curing this disease,
(3) HOW: outline a plan that explains how or why this disease can be eradicated or cured.

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