Overview The second part of your Board Brief picks up where the last one left of

The second part of your Board Brief picks up where the last one left off. Having accurately framed the core problem/opportunity in Assignment 1, you will now turn your attention to collecting, organizing, and analyzing the data you are using to test your hypothesis. You are not yet ready to propose a specific action plan for your business. You will focus on evaluating what data you have and don’t have, and on identifying patterns, trends, and anomalies. Because you can never have complete data, your analysis must acknowledge what you know and what you don’t know. But, even with incomplete data, your actions must be reasonable given the time frame and resources you have. Those actions – your strategic plan – will be developed in Assignment 3.
For this assignment, you will build on your first assignment by including an additional 3 to 4 pages to present your analysis of the data. Your submission must include the work you did in Assignment 1 and must provide relevant and quantifiable data, models, calculations, and analysis. Use the topics below to organize this section of your Board Brief:
1) Data Sources and Reliability:
A. What data were the most critical to the analysis of the problem/opportunity you identified in
Assignment 1? Explain.
B. What sources did you use to gather the data?
C. How reliable and complete is the data you are using? What steps did you take to validate this
D. What data are unknown (or unknowable) at this stage? How does this impact your analysis?
2) Data Tools and Analysis:
A. Drawing from the “Types of Analysis” guide and other resources from the course, what tools and techniques have you used in your analysis? Why did you select these?
B. Applying the analysis tools to your selected data, what patterns, trends, and anomalies did you uncover?
C. How do these patterns, trends, and anomalies shed light on the problem/opportunity you identified?
D. Leveraging your work in the Discussion Questions and the guidance from our course materials, include charts, tables, and/or other visual supports to ensure that your data tells a clear story that your reader can easily understand.
3) Conclusion and Action Items:
What does your analysis tell you about where you should focus your efforts to drive meaningful improvement?
Formatting and Submission Requirements
NOTE: Use the Board Brief Checklist in the course shell to help guide your work. As you complete each of
the three assignments, you will add it to the previous assignment(s), so that by the end of Assignment 3, you
will have created a single document for your entire Board Brief.
Submit your work in Word
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, your professor’s name, and
the course title and date
Include a references page with your sources
The cover page and the references page are not included in the required page length
Use professional font (Times New Roman or Arial), 10-12 font size, and double-space
Headings are used to identify main topics and subtopics
Paragraphs are separated by a single space

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