Persuasive Writing Assignment Your company, Tyler Advanced Research Associates,

Persuasive Writing Assignment
Your company, Tyler Advanced Research Associates, was just retained by the Mayor and City Council of a large American city. You were hired to make a recommendation regarding a new law they are considering.
Over the last few years the city has been ranked among the nation’s worse for air pollution and many of its younger citizens suffer from asthma. The health issues are thought to be caused by the air pollution, but studies have not confirmed a link. Nevertheless, given the levels of pollution, several powerful environmental and health organizations are asking the Mayor and City Council to pass a law banning all new gas-powered passenger cars and trucks in 2035.
This potential new law has caught the attention of this large city’s auto industry because it would cost billions to reengineer their plants to exclusively manufacture electric cars and trucks. The auto workers union is also concerned about this proposed legislation because reengineered plants would likely include a major increase in the use of robotics, potentially putting many of the auto workers at risk of unemployment. Over 20% of the city’s population works in the auto industry.
Tyler Advanced Research Associates was hired to research potential outcomes of the proposed policy change and make a written recommendation to the Mayor and City Council.
Conduct research then make a recommendation on whether the Mayor and City Council should pass a law banning the manufacturing and ownership of any new gas-powered car starting in 2035. There is no right or wrong answer.
Codify your recommendation in a persuasive letter to the Mayor and City Council. Your letter should include the ‘Essential Structures of Persuasive Messages’ from the course lectures (not in the textbook).
Please format the letter based on Model Document 8.1.
you also have to make a speech for 5_6 minuites based on that letter

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