Identify 3 behavioral health and/or human services programs that have been created to address a general social need or problem you are interested in (these programs could be ones being implemented at your workplace, field placement, former workplaces, etc.). Briefly describe what is known about the program (what is the purpose/who has benefited from the program); if the program has been implemented with your targeted population of interest; and any limitations of the program(s) (e.g., has the program been implemented with your population or has the program measured outcomes that you are interested in). Your findings can be displayed in a table and/or in paragraph form (with bullet points). To identify these programs, you will need to conduct a brief literature search to see the types of programs/services that have been developed to address a social problem/social need of interest to you. For example, if you are interested in preventing domestic violence (the problem), what types of programs/services have been created to prevent this problem (or help those who have been victimized). Include a brief reference page to cite the resources you reviewed to complete this assignment (use credible resources).
Total point value: 3 points
Tips: Search google scholar, online scholarly databases, see Table 1.2 on page 11 in your book
Grading Rubric
Scoring (Points Addressed/Not Addressed)
Points Assigned
Response is thorough, outlines the program(s): purpose, goal, populations used with; identifies a few limitations/gaps. Uses peer-reviewed articles/credible resources (2-4)
Response addresses most of content required, but is limited in scope in 1 area (something is missing or not explained; uses a few peer-reviewed articles, has a few credible resources)
Response addresses some of content required, but is limited in scope in 2 areas (a few things are missing or not explained; does not use peer-reviewed articles or credible resources)
No response, inaccurate; missing, or late
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