Description of Assignment: Analyzing a graphic novel is fundamentally different

Description of Assignment:
Analyzing a graphic novel is fundamentally different than analyzing other types of literature because the images allows for detail, complexity and story arcs that are often different from other genres; these stylized images distinctly present the narrative alongside the use of written language, or sometimes in place of written language.
You will write an analysis of a graphic novel of your choosing (must be full length, and a non-serial graphic novel).
You must evaluate and critique the graphic novel on the following criteria:
How the images enhance or detract from the narrative.
How the stylistic art choices impacted the presentation.
Your overall evaluation of the story elements. You may focus on the narrative’s use of imagery, symbolism, characters, plot, and theme, etc….
The introduction should give some key background on the graphic and where it fits in the canon of the author’s works. Any historical details concerning the author or the circumstances surrounding the story’s creation should remain in the introduction or conclusion. The thesis should indicate which elements of the story you will analyze and what is gained through such analysis. Please underline your thesis.
The body will focus on the evaluation criteria which each criterion in its own paragraph.
The conclusion should restate your thesis and examine any new understandings about the visual images, artistic choices, and story elements that arise from analyzing the short story. What is the lasting impression that you had concerning this graphic novel? What have you uncovered in the use of visual images that is worth remembering?
Essay Checklist
My introduction introduces the graphic novel and the author (and artist).
I have a well written thesis that is underlined.
My first body section is about how the images enhance or detract from the narrative.
My second body section is about how the stylistic art choices impacted the presentation.
My third body section is my overall evaluation of the story elements.
My conclusion restates my thesis.
My conclusion highlights new understandings I have about the graphic novel.
My essay is at least three pages.
My essay has at least three sources quoted in my paper AND at least three sources listed on my Works Cited page.
I formatted my paper according to MLA format.
MLA formatted with in-text citations and a works cited page.
You must have three sources for this assignment. Your sources will include a primary source (the graphic novel) and two secondary sources. One of your secondary sources must be biographical information about the artist or author. Your second secondary source can be critical, biographical, or a second work by author or artist.
3 pages (plus a works cited page), typed, double-spaced, 12pt font, Times.

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