Unit 1 Writing Assignment Model Write In this assignment, you are going to write

Unit 1 Writing Assignment
In this assignment, you are going to write sentences that describe you or someone you know. As you prepare your sentences, think about the Unit Question, “What kind of person are you?” Choose one of the topics below:
1. Write sentences that describe your appearance, personality, and interests. 2. Write sentences that describe someone you know well.
Think of a person to write about. Use descriptive adjectives and the present of be.
My Friend Diego
Present of be
Use am with the subject pronoun.
Use is with he, she, it, and singular nouns. Use are with we, they, and plural nouns.
Planning notes
Appearance and background 1. from Peru
2. twenty-five years old
3. short brown hair
4. tall and thin
Personality 5. intelligent and serious
6. math and science
7. computers 8. school
1. My friend Diego is from Peru.
2. He is twenty-five years old. 3. He has short brown hair.
4. He is tall and thin.
5. Diego is an intelligent and serious person. 6. His interests are math and science.
7. He studies computers. 8. Diego is good at school. He likes to learn new things
sentences below. Use the Highlight options on the left to explore the model.
Unit Assignment
In this assignment, you are going to write sentences about a school. Think about the Unit
Question, “Can students learn in different ways?”
Choose one of the topics below:
1. Write sentences about your school/ college. 2. Write sentences about a perfect school, or a
school you want to attend.
Structure Notes
Think of a school to write about. Use the simple present.
The simple present
The simple present describes habits, facts, or
Use the base verb +-s or -es after he, she, and it. Use do not or does not for negative statements.
Planning Notes
1. Academic year: September to May
2. Summer vacation: three months
3. Time in class: 9:00 to 2:00
4. Days: Monday to Thursday
5. Teachers: intelligent, funny
6. Homework: one hour
7. Too much time in school: no
Unit 2
Read the assignment instructions, structure notes, and model planning notes. Then read the model sentences below, Use the Highlight options on the left to explore the model.
In this assignment, you are going to write sentences about a school. Think about the Unit Question, “Can students learn in different ways?” Choose one of the topics below:
1. Write sentences about your school/ college.
2. Write sentences about a perfect school, or a school you want to attend.
Structure Notes
Think of a school to write about. Use the simple present.
The simple present
The simple present describes habits, facts, or feelings.
Use the base verb +s or-es after he, she, and it. Use do not or does not for negative statements
Planning Notes 1. Academic year: September to May
2. Summer vacation: three months
3. Time in class: 9:00 to 2:00
4. Days: Monday to Thursday
5. Teachers: intelligent, funny
6. Homework: one hour
7. Too much time in school: no
1. Students attend school from September to May.
2. The summer vacation lasts three months.
3. Students go to school from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
4. They have classes Monday to Thursday. They do not have school on Fridays 5. Students like the teachers. They are intelligent and funny
6. Students spend one hour on homework each night.
7. Students do not spend too much time in school.
Unit 3 Writing Assignment
In this assignment, you are going to write sentences about a meal or celebration. As you prepare your sentences, think about the Unit Question, “When do we eat special foods?” Choose one of the topics
1. Write sentences that describe the people, food, and activities at a special meal or celebration. 2. Someone is coming to visit your country. The person wants to know about a popular meal in your country. Write sentences that describe a meal with many popular foods from your culture.
Think of a special meal or celebration to write about. Use adjectives and adverbs.
Indonesian Fried Rice
Adjectives describe nouns. They explain, “What kind?” Use adjectives after the verb be (am, is, are).
Use adjectives before a noun.
Adverbs describe adjectives. They explain, “How?” Use adverbs such as very, really, quite, and extremely to describe adjectives.
Planning notes
1. Main dish: fried rice
2. Time of day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner
3. Ingredients: eggs, meat, and spices
4. Favorite kind: spicy fried rice with chili peppers and soy sauce 5. Other popular foods: cucumbers, shrimp crackers, fried egg
6. Dessert: mangoes or bananas
1. Fried rice is an extremely popular dish in Indonesia. 2. People eat fried rice for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
3. People usually prepare fried rice with scrambled eggs, meat, and spices. 4. I like spicy fried rice. I always eat it with chili peppers and soy sauce.
5. People like to eat fresh cucumbers on the side. Other popular foods to eat with fried rice are
crispy shrimp crackers and fried eggs. 6. There is usually fresh fruit after the meal. People often enjoy eating sweet mangoes or bananas for dessert.
Read the assignment instructions, structure notes, d model planning notes. Then read the model sentences below. Use the Highlight options on th left to explore the model.
Unit Assignment
In this assignment, you are going to write
sentences about how people have fun. As you prepare your sentences, think about the Unit Question, “How do you have fun?” Choose one of
the topics below:
1. Write sentences about how you have fun with
your friends
2. Think about someone you know. Write sentences about how he or she has fun.
Structure Notes
Think about a fun activity that you or someone you know likes to do. Use subject and object pronouns.
Subject pronouns
Subject pronouns include you, he she it we. and they. Subject pronouns come before the verb.
Object pronouns
Object pronouns include me, you, him, her, it, us, and them. Object pronouns come after a verb or preposition.
Planning Notes
1. Her favorite thing: cooking
2:14.2023/10/25 li sozw (lg) Suwa
2. Where: at home
3. When: on Saturdays
4. With: me
5. Fun: make new recipes together, have fun, tell jokes, make interesting food
6. Feelings: like cooking with Layla, learn about new
1. Layla’s favorite thing to do is cooking
2. She cooks delicious meals at home.
3. She prepares big dinners on Saturdays.
4. She often invites me to her house.
5. We try to make new recipes together. We have fun and tell jokes. We make interesting food.
6. I like cooking with Layla. I learn about new ideas from her.
Unit 5
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Pranning otes
My unhealthy habit
1. addicted to my cell phone
2. always text and play games
My goal
3. cut down on my phone time
Why I want to change
4. should not pay attention to my phone all the time
Changes I can make
5.could try to change my lifestyle
6. can read a book or take a walk
7. could spend time with friends
1.I have an unhealthy habit: I am addicted to my cell phone.
2.I always use my phone to text and play
3. I want to set a goal and cut down on my phone time
4. I should not pay attention to my phone all
the time.
5. I could try to change my lifestyle.
6. I can read a book or take a walk instead of using my phone.
7.1 could also spend time with my friends after school.
Read the assignment instructions, structure notes, and model planning notes. Then read the model sentences below. Use the Highlight options on the left to explore the model.
Unit Assignment
In this assignment, you are going to write
sentences about how to change or develop a habit. As you prepare your sentences, think about the Unit Question, “How can you change unhealthy habit?” Choose one of the topics
Write sentences about an unhealthy habit you want to change, or a new habit you want to develop
Structure Notes
Choose or think of a habit to write about. Think about how to change or develop the habit. Use the modals can, could, and should in your sentences.
Use the modal verb can to talk about possibility or ability, could to make a polite suggestion,
and should to give advice.
After modals such as can, could, and should, use the base form of a verb.
Do not put an -s at the end of the verb.
Planning Notes
My unhealthy habit

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