Submit a 10–13 page scholarly APA-formatted paper in which you: Teacher disposition of choice recommended receive and act upon professional feedback. As a third year teacher with experience in a title one school , taught kindergarten and 2nd grade. I actively ask for feedback and reach out to my academic coaches when I need help.
Synthesize the professional literature related to recommended teacher dispositions in the digital age (2 pages).
Describe the teacher dispositions that you feel are most relevant to teaching in the digital age (1–2 pages).
Provide a rationale for the teacher dispositions you have deemed most important (1–2 pages).
Evaluate how your own teacher dispositions align with those you have chosen from the professional literature (5 pages).
Include specific examples of this alignment from your professional practice.
Include an analysis of areas for growth in your professional practice in terms of the teacher dispositions you have chosen from the professional literature.
Include an explicit plan of action for enabling growth in each of the areas you have delineated.
Summarize the reflective, analytical, and evaluative experience in terms of future professional practice (1–2 pages).
In order to complete this assignment, you engaged in a process of reflection, analysis and evaluation. For this criterion, you are now being asked to reflect on that three-stage process and its potential impact on your future professional practice. Consider the insights you have gained from engaging in the process of reflection, analysis and evaluation. Have your perspectives changed as a result of the experience? Have you made any decisions about future professional practice based on this experience?
Example assignment:: linked below
Sitzmann, T., Ely, K., Brown, K., & Bauer, K. (2010). Self-assessment of knowledge: Cognitive learning or affective measure? Academy of Management Learning and Education, 9(2), 169–191.
Martinez, M., & McGrath, D. (2014). Technology alone won’t transform teacher to facilitator. Phi Delta Kappan, 96(1), 41-45.
Jaeger. (2013). Teacher reflection: supports, barriers, and results. Issues in Teacher Education, 22(1), 89–104.
Winstanley. (2014). What can we learn from self doubt? Faculty Focus. What Can We Learn from Self Doubt?
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