Consider what you learned about the significance of self-awareness in your intra

Consider what you learned about the significance of self-awareness in your intrapersonal and interpersonal communication. Reflect on course concepts you learned about in your textbook and supplemental research, and then offer a personal connection by identifying your core strengths and discussing how they might guide you to a career path.
Begin your discussion by reading your assigned chapter and conducting additional research in the Keiser University Online Library on the significance of self-awareness in your intrapersonal and interpersonal communication. Share what you learned by synthesizing your research into your own words and citing your sources. At the minimum, you should cite your textbook and one additional scholarly source.
Next, offer a personal connection by identifying your core strengths and discussing how they might guide you to a career path. Develop your examples and supporting evidence thoroughly.
Complete your discussion by exploring how you might use the knowledge from this topic in your future professional and personal communication.

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