The last discussion went well, excellent job. This next topic is also in the med

The last discussion went well, excellent job. This next topic is also in the media and some people view as controversial. Every one of you at some times have heard another person say, “their taking our jobs” and in reality, yes they are taking jobs, just not ones we want. First let me say, not all undocumented are from Mexico, they come from everywhere some of the most recent in the news today are from Hatti.
Read over the information about the 1986 Immigration Reform Act.
Then read some of the various stories on this site.
Tell me what you think about undocumented immigration and if there is a feasible way to fix the immigration system. Can we extend the 1986 Immigration Act and allow individuals to become citizens in a streamlined process and/or/are their potential problems with this idea?
This is another interesting article:
As usual, your post will count for 3 points and your response to one another’s post will count for the two additional points. This discussion will close on 10/26
response to this discussion;
I think that there is both good and bad when it comes to undocumented immigration. These immigrants often do jobs that are imperative to society but few would be willing to do. For this reason many immigrants positively contribute to our communities across the United States. On the other hand immigrants can spike levels of crime and poverty, as well as the homeless population. To counteract this issue I feel as though immigrants wanting to enter the United States should simply be required to work and contribute to society. I think the 1986 Immigration act provides a good baseline for outlining who should be allowed to become a United States Citizen and the process of screening involved.

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