For this lesson plan assignment, you are welcome to combine the applicable previ

For this lesson plan assignment, you are welcome to combine the applicable previous assignments where they fit into this assignment. For example, your learning objective and student activity may fit perfectly into your lesson plan. Also, remember your classroom design and the components you have in place in your classroom as certain things, depending on the lesson plan, may need to be referenced or used in the lesson.
You may complete this assignment in pairs or triads. If you choose to do so, each person needs to submit the final product in the assignment submission area.
When developing your lesson plan, make sure that you put in more detail than what you think you should – more detail is better than less detail in lesson plans. A good rule of thumb is to put enough detail in a lesson so that even a substitute teacher could implement your lesson exactly in the way you envision it taking place. Also remember there should be a section of instruction in your lesson plan. Many times, students will just jump right in to a fun activity – but you (as the teacher) have the responsibility to introduce new information to your students before you can expect your students to apply the content. This assignment is something that you will have to replicate on a daily basis in your future teaching position. With that said, I do grade these with more intensity and offer more feedback to help each student grow professionally. Please keep this in mind when you are managing your time and developing your lesson plan.
Please use one of the the attached templates to help you fill in the necessary information.
Delete the instructions in the template. Also, you will need to attach all the needed materials for the lesson. For example, if you are using a graphic organizer, then that should be included in your lesson plan or if you are using a worksheet or graphic organizer it should be included in your lesson plan submission. For the independent practice portion of your lesson, please ensure that you are using some sort of formal assessment and should include an answer key or grading rubric that would be used for grading.

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