Student #1 For several reasons, an interprofessional team that analyzes and part

Student #1
For several reasons, an interprofessional team that analyzes and participates in a study is essential. First, it brings together specialists from various industries, which might lead to a greater understanding of the research question and any potential implications of the findings. The quality of the study may also be increased by ensuring that it is carried out using a multidisciplinary approach and that all of its components are correctly handled.
Second, the many perspectives an interprofessional team might provide for research design and analysis can be advantageous. In order to make sure that the study meets the requirements of the patient group being studied, a physician may offer a patient-centered perspective. A statistician may offer a quantitative perspective when it comes to ensuring that the study’s sample size and statistical approaches are appropriate. Similar to the quantitative method, a qualitative researcher can offer a qualitative perspective that can assist in ensuring that the study’s data collection and analysis methods are appropriate.
Thirdly, a multidisciplinary team can guarantee that the research is conducted ethically and with consideration for the benefits and risks it can provide to study participants. The study’s ethical issues, such as informed consent and privacy concerns, can be discussed with a bioethicist or member of the institutional review board, for example.
Fourth, a multidisciplinary team can make incorporating the study’s findings into therapeutic practice easier. For example, a nurse or doctor can explain how the study’s findings may affect patient care and treatment options.
In the end, working in an interprofessional team can result in a more complete, moral, and essential research endeavor to improve patient care and advance scientific knowledge.
Student #2
The members have two different research designs in mind about how to find the relationship between the perception of pain severity and quality of life in advanced cancer patients; cross-sectional design and quasi-design. When considering the research design for a study examining the perception of pain severity and quality of life in advanced cancer patients, it is essential to weigh the advantages and limitations of each design carefully. According to LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, “A cross-sectional design examines data at one point in time; that is, data are collected on only one occasion with the same subjects rather than with the same subjects at several time points” (2022, p. 194). The cross-sectional design provides a quick view of the situation at a single point in time, allowing for a rather quick analysis of the relationship between the variables. This design could be useful for studies with limited resources or time constraints, as well as for providing preliminary data that can inform future research. On the other hand, “researchers turn to quasi-experimental designs to test cause-and-effect relationships because experimental designs may be impractical or unethical. Quasi-experiments may lack the randomization and/or the comparison group characteristics of true experiments” (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, 2022, p.187). The quasi-experimental design allows for the investigation of cause-and-effect relationships, which may be especially helpful in understanding the dynamics of cancer patients’ quality of life and the severity of their pain. Researchers can monitor changes in pain perception and quality of life over time and identify potential causal connections by tracking the same participants. This design might produce more precise and thorough results, but it takes longer to gather and analyze the data.
To help resolve the differences between the two design groups, having an open discussion about the specific objectives of the study, available resources, and the ethical considerations involved would help determine if they want to collect data over months to get accurate data or want the data right away for the pain severity of cancer patients. It is important to have an interprofessional team be part of the study. Collaboration among healthcare professionals from diverse backgrounds brings multiple viewpoints to the table, facilitating a more comprehensive understanding of the problem at hand. This collaborative approach can lead to improved study design, more accurate interpretation of results, and better translation of research findings into clinical practice. Eventually, an interprofessional team can help ensure that the study contributes to the advancement of patient care, enhancing the quality of life for cancer patients experiencing pain.

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