In 5 typed, double-spaced pages, please respond to the following topic in a logi

In 5 typed, double-spaced pages, please respond to the following topic in a logically coherent, well-argued manner.
In a recent article about the Supreme Court, Justice Samuel Alito is quoted as saying that Congress does not have the power to regulate the Supreme Court (I have posted the article under the Content Tab in D2L for you). Why would Justice Alito think that the Supreme Court has the power to act independently of Congress or our system of checks and balances? We have been studying the power of the judiciary in the first couple of weeks of class. Does Alito’s theory of the Court’s power come from those cases that we have studied so far? If yes, how? If no, what is the difference? Do you agree with Alito’s understanding of the Court’s power? Please explain your answer. [Hint: this requires you to read the article about Alito, the cases that we have studied, and everything else that you think might help you form an opinion about these matters. I expect to see you citing all of this material in your paper.]

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