In this assignment, you will choose a cultural artifact and in a 2-3-page paper

In this assignment, you will choose a cultural artifact and in a 2-3-page paper analyze it using the strategies you’ve learned in the first three weeks of the course.
I will address one of the artifacts – Jacob Lawrence’s 1943 painting, “A Family”
Lawrence’s 1943 painting, A Family.
1.Visit MoMA website: MoMALinks to an external site.. (n.d.).
2.Click the search (magnifying glass) icon.
3.Type in the search field “Jacob Lawrence A Family 1943.”
4.Click The Collection Jacob Lawrence. A Family. 1943.

You’ll explore how your own personal experiences and perspective may have influenced your reaction to the artifact. By using these strategies, you’ll be better equipped with information to help you make more objective and informed decisions, solve complex problems, think through situations related to diversity and ethics, and build relationships and collaborate in the workplace and at home. As you follow these steps to analyze a cultural artifact, you are actively practicing the process of thinking through a problem and breaking it down into its parts, helping you to become a better problem-solver across the board.

1. In an introductory paragraph, state which artifact you chose.
Provide a description of the artifact itself. Identify additional information about the artifact such as the artist or musician, when it was created, and materials used.
oIf it’s a painting, what materials were used?
oIf it’s a piece of music, how long is the piece?
Explain what about it appealed to you, including things about yourself that might influence why you chose it.
2. Describe the historical and artistic contexts of the artifact.
Describe the historical context such as the time period, the place, and reasons why the artist might have had for creating the artifact.
Describe the artistic context such as the visual and aural techniques and symbols. Include reasons that explain why these techniques were used.
3. Connect to the cultural values conveyed through the artifact.
Identify two cultural values that you believe the artist was trying to convey through the artifact.
Relate the artist’s cultural values to your own. Examine the similarities or differences that you see between your cultural values and the artist’s cultural values.
4. Reflect on what you learned about how culture shapes our perspectives and impacts the decisions you make about the meaning of the cultural
Explain how your cultural perspective shaped your response and connection with the artifact.
5. Write in a well-organized and concise manner that adheres to the rules of grammar, usage, mechanics, and formatting.

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