1. Discussion Board: Applications in Experimental Design Instructions This Disc

Discussion Board: Applications in Experimental Design
This Discussion Board post requires you to watch two videos before your initial post. Follow the instructions under each section to complete this Discussion Board assignment.
Watch the videos and keep in mind the different aspects that go into experimental design:
Vaccines and the Autism Myth–Part 1 (9:50)
Vaccines and the Autism Myth–Part 2 (9:00)
Write your initial post using the following discussion prompts. You should discuss the information from the videos about Andrew Wakefield’s experimental study.
Discussion Prompts:
What are some of the ethical issues regarding his results?
Why were his results rejected by the scientific community?
Choose TWO components below that were either flawed or completely absent from Wakefield’s experiment and develop a post within the discussion.Experimental group
Control group
Sampling errors
After submitting your initial Discussion Board post, watch this video and review the types of bias presented in the video.
The Science of Anti-Vaccination (9:15)
Using the information presented in the video, respond to TWO of your classmates’ posts in the Discussion Board and include the reasons why people may choose not to vaccinate their children.
Desai, R. (n.d.). Vaccines and the autism myth–Part 2[Video]. Khan Academy. https://www.khanacademy.org/science/health-and-med…
SciShow. (2015, February 19). The science of anti-vaccination [Video]. YouTube. ————————————————————–2.Discussion Board: Water and Electrolytes
For your initial post in discussion. Watch the following video of the true life story of Jennifer Strange. Then address the following discussion prompts. After you complete your initial 200-250 word post, respond to two of your classmates. Follow the discussion prompts to complete the Discussion Board Assignment. Discussion Prompts:From your understanding of osmosis, explain on a cellular level what was happening in Jennifer’s brain. Discuss hyponatremia.
Why was the effect on her brain so devastating compared to other tissues?
Would drinking a sports drink with electrolytes make any difference?
Name another set of circumstances where someone could be at risk.

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