Your Tasks Task 1 Review this list Links to an external site.of food assistance

Your Tasks
Task 1
Review this list Links to an external site.of food assistance programs. Choose one that you would like to do more research on.
Task 2
Answer the following questions about the organization:
What is the name of the program? 1 point
Why did you choose this program? 2 points
What is the target population? 2 points
What are the income eligibility requirements (if any)? Do you think that these requirements are too high or too low? Why or why not? 3 points
How does a person apply for benefits? 3 points
How does the program work? In other words, would a person receive food directly from the organization, or would they be given money to purchase food? 3 points
Is there a branch of this program located in San Diego? If yes, where (only include 2 locations)? 3 points
What is your personal opinion regarding food assistance programs? 3 points
You may submit this assignment either as a text entry or file upload. This needs to be completed by Saturday, October 21st by 11:59 PM.
The assignment is worth a total of 20 points. You will be graded based upon the above point distribution.

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