The White House Situation Room (often referred to as the Woodshed) is a large co

The White House Situation Room (often referred to as the Woodshed) is a large conference room designed to monitor and deal with crises at home and abroad and to conduct
secure communications with outside (often overseas) persons. This term is also used in the media when sensitive breaking news is being discussed.
Pretend vou are journalists in a mock situation-room setting
You are a journalist writing a story about a fire in an abandoned warehouse in downtown Los Angeles. You have heard rumors that the CEO of the company which owns the warehouse (LMNOP Inc.) hired someone to set fire to the building. LMNOP Inc.’s stock prices dropped fifteen percent last quarter. However, the rumors of arson have not been verified and the family of the LMNOP CEO and major shareholders are referring to the rumors as slander. The family of the LMNOP Inc. CEO and major shareholders are accusing a competina
combany or planting these rumors.
To make matters more complicated, LMNOP holds a contract with a major pharmaceutical company, ABC Pharma, and is currently developing a controversial new drug which utilizes
cutting-edge stem cell research.
You have the chance to gather information from the sources listed below. Please rank, in list form, the sources from 1-5 with 5 being the “best.” Explain in 2-3 sentences for each
rank why vou made vour choices
• A reporter friend of yours who usually covers business operations for a competing newspaper.
• A reporter friend of vours from your own agency who usually covers issues relating to major pharmaceutical companies
Someone who says they are an eyewitness and saw an acquaintance of theirs set the fire. Your witness claims to have special information related to the person of interest’s personal troubles and relationship to LMNOP InC
The local watchdog blog which just released information about the strained relationship between the CEO of UMNOP and ABC Pharma
. The son of the CEO of LMNOP Inc. who would like to talk with you to “set the record straight.”
Further – an anonymous source has delivered to you an envelope that contains pictures of a ABC Pharma employee in a compromising position with an employee of LMNOP Inc. in an un-identified LMNOP Research lab. ABC Pharma has already been a target of a number of conspiracy theories and fake news stories. Do you leak the images? Wait for more information? Protect all parties involved?

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