i have an assessment containing 5 task section 3 needs to adjust adding some exa

i have an assessment containing 5 task section 3 needs to adjust adding some examples these are the.note
For 3.3 I would remove the last 2 paragraphs so you can focus on the impacts on discrimination on the employment relationship. “Include at least THREE examples of the impact during the employment relationship (this can relate to before employment, during employment and/or after employment).”
Below are some examples: –
Before employment – “Direct discrimination” for example in recruitment (refusing to interview a candidate due to their gender) would have a huge impact on the reputation of the organisation, the organisation would be in breach of legislation and would not be seen as an employer of choice.
During employment – “Harassment” there is a good section on “Implications of mishandling harassment” in the learning material in week 7’s study section, under the heading “Direct and indirect discrimination”, which could be applied to this part of the criteria. The impact of mishandling harassment could be on employee retention, morale and productivity.
After employment – “victimisation” for example “A worker’s former employer refuses to give them a reference because they supported someone else’s claim for sexual harassment” – again implications on the organisation reputation and possible financial repercussions.

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