Assignment 7 Your Leadership Styles and Strengths It is very important to know a

Assignment 7 Your Leadership Styles and Strengths
It is very important to know and understand your leadership style and what strengths and weaknesses you bring to leading your colleagues. It is often counterproductive to surround yourself with people like you, with the same learning styles and personality. It is the diverse mix of personalities that fosters creative and engaging ideas and conversations. While it may make the group, at times, more difficult to manage and keep on track, the end result will be more rich, creative, and ultimately successful.
Open a copy of the Assignment Title Page Template, make appropriate changes to the title page and be sure to change the header both on page 1 and on page 2.
Save this document as Assignment 7 Y Name. For example, if your name is Andrew Carpenter, save your document as Assignment 7 A Carpenter.
Then begin Assignment 7 on page 2.
Assignment 7: This assignment tracks very closely with the activity in Levin and Schrum, p. 93. Complete the True Colors Test and the Keirsey Temperament Sorter KTS-II. Directions for finding and using these two tests are in the text. Use the threelevels of writing to address the following:
– describe your results of the two tests;
– analyze what your results mean in terms of assembling and working with groups; and
– reflect on a past working group with which you have been associated and how understanding the personalities of the individuals of the group may have helped the group be more effective.
Limit your response to two pages, double-spaced. Include at least two citations from the Chapter 6 reading in the course text to support your statements. Refer to examples in Week 1 or in the APA Manual of ways to cite text material.
Remember to Savethis document as Assignment 7 Y Name. For example, if your name is Andrew Carpenter, save your document as Assignment 7 A Carpenter.
Submitto Assignment 7 by the due date on the Course Schedule.
End of Module 7

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