Thinking and Writing: The main idea related to Alexie and his work is “Identity”

Thinking and Writing: The main idea related to Alexie and his work is “Identity” especially in the context of being Native American in Modern America.
Thinking: Begin brainstorming about how ideas related to identity are present in the Sherman Alexie materials you’ve encountered.
Consider how the narrator of the poem and the protagonists in the stories struggle with identity. You might think about this struggle as “conflict.” (The conflict of living in “the in-between” as Alexie describes that concept.)
Think about who or what is the common “antagonist” that might exist among the materials
Write a brief introduction in which you discuss how the ideas in the Wikipedia article, “Cultural Identity” apply to your own sense of identity and how they apply to Alexie’s sense or struggle with identity.
Develop several body paragraphs in which you use examples from the interview, the poem, the film, and the short stories to examine the struggle, as Alexie sees it, with the conflicts associated with Native American identity in America, particularly how he perceives this conflict in relation to himself.
In the poem, story, and interview, Alexie is attempting to get at some kind of truth about Native Americans and their relationship with America.Develop at least two paragraphs in which you explore how Alexie’s ideas can be applied to Flannery O’Connor’s quote, “The truth doesn’t change according to our ability to stomach it.”Use specific examples from Alexie’s work, including the interview, to develop and support these ideas.
Conclusion: Your last paragraph needs to be devoted to a discussion of at least one thing you know now that you didn’t know before this assignment.Explain what you now know, explain why it’s relevant, and explain how you think you might be able to apply this new knowledge.
4. Writing (Alexie Essay): The points I want you to address are listed below. (Note: you can address the points in the order they’re listed in your essay). In other words, you can use the bullet list below as an outling for the essay. This essay should be at least 2 pages.
Reminder: The due date for the assignment is 11:00 pm, 11/1 ( Submit in the Assignment labeled SUBMIT ALEXIE PROJECT

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