1. After watching this videos

1. After watching this videos on Gorillas in Africa, take note of the format the video uses for educating on Gorilla behavior, does this help or hurt your ability to observe them?.
2. How do you feel about these trekking experiences?
3. Do you feel that this is an accurate form of observation for Primates?
Once you have watched the video, it is your turn to do a little investigative research! Explore the internet for different types of primates, find one that uses a similar informative format, and share it on here with a brief explanation of why you chose this particular video. Any non-human primate will work, Chimpanzees, Orangutans, Lemurs, etc. Feel free to comment on other students videos.
Be sure to check other student videos to be sure you don’t share the same video.
I am looking forward to watching what you find!

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