Background Anybody who has ever visited a major theme park or doctor’s office un

Anybody who has ever visited a major theme park or doctor’s office understands that waiting lines are standard operating procedure for businesses. These businesses, in time understand that efficiencies are created when staff can be fully utilized without down time. They also know that the customer, given several alternative selections, will only tolerate waiting for so long. Walt Disney World alleviates some of the consumer angst by posting waiting times that are slightly exaggerated to suggest that the line is moving faster. Hence, by posting a sign that a 45 minute wait is expected to gain a seat on a roller coaster when 30 minutes is a more likely time frame, Disney’s customers will actually feel a sense of satisfaction when they arrive sooner than anticipated. The doctor’s office, in turn, will wisk a patient from one room to the next as they check weight, blood pressure, temperature, etc. prior to actually seeing the doctor. Needless to say, these production procedures have been developed over time as more examination of the human psyche produces manipulative procedures.
Discussion Topic
For our discussion this week, you are to provide two paragraphs. In the first paragraph, from your personal experience, describe a waiting line that seemed to run smoothly and, in spite of the wait, your patience wasn’t tested. In your opinion, what made the wait tolerable? In paragraph two, you are asked to convey a personal experience for which the waiting was excrutiating and unacceptable. What could this company do to alleviate customer frustration? Be sure to conduct a thorough proofread before submitting.

Grading Criteria
Your initial post should have a minimum of 150 words and must not exceed 250 words.

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