Erikson theorized that we go through a series of stages, and at each stage, we f

Erikson theorized that we go through a series of stages, and at each stage, we face
a crisis or challenge. Based on our past experiences, positive or negative resolutions at previous stages,
and social environment, we can either succeed or fail at that crisis. Personality develops based on
whether or not we can resolve the crises at each stage.
The purpose of this assignment is to take a movie or television show character and analyze him/her using
Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development. For the most part, you can use any character you want.
However, there are some rules:
 The character MUST be human
 Animated characters are acceptable (as long as they are human)
 You CANNOT write about a reality TV star (sorry, Kim Kardashian).
Your paper will consist of 6 sections APA format. Select ONE character to write about, and discuss the following:
1. Summary of Erikson’s theory
 Give a BRIEF summary of Erikson’s theory, focusing on the specific stage you believe
your chosen character is in.
 Note: Pick ONE stage to write about. Even if multiple stages are portrayed in the TV
show or movie, select only ONE to write about.
2. Character’s stage
 In which stage of Erikson’s theory is the character?
 How do you know?
 Include some evidence from the movie or TV show.
3. Character’s crisis
 According to Erikson, within each stage, there is a crisis that has to be solved. What
crisis is the character facing?
 What are the personality and social implications of success or failure in dealing with this
particular challenge?
 How are these implications evident with the character’s story?
 Include examples from the movie or TV show.
4. Success or failure
 Does the character ultimately succeed or fail at solving the crisis?
 Why do you think that?
 Include some evidence from the movie or TV show.
5. Virtue
 What is the virtue that should emerge?
 Does the character achieve this virtue?
 Explain why or why not using evidence from the movie or TV show.
6. Evaluation
 How well does Erikson’s theory predict the character’s experiences?
 Are there any discrepancies between the character’s experience and Erikson’s theory?
I chose the character rocky balboa from the movie rocky
i also chose the theory of adolescence from 12-18 years identity vs confusion.

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