Study the revenue and expense information provided in the book. What was the

Study the revenue and expense information provided in the book. What was the Fund-Raising Golf Scramble event’s profit (loss) last year?
What was the event’s break-even entry fee?
Hint: ? = fixed costs + variable costs – sponsorship. 
Based on the same number of players and the same amount of sponsorship, how much would they have to increase their entry fee to make a profit of $4,000? What would be your concerns with increasing the entry fee?
Hint: The new entry fee would have to be ?. The concern with increasing the fee is ?.
Based on the same entry fee and the same amount of sponsorship, how many players would the event have to recruit to make a profit of $4,000? What would be your concerns with adding more players?
Hint: Based on an entry fee of ?, the event would have to recruit ? players. The concern would be…? 
Other than increasing the entry fees or adding players, how could you generate additional revenue?
How could you reduce expenses?

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