This will be about the community of Jasper, Indiana. APA format. You can just ad

This will be about the community of Jasper, Indiana. APA format. You can just add on to the document that I am linking here.
Here is the assignment description:
Part 2 (12 points)
The second part of this assignment will be to focus in-depth on one particular dual (multilingual) community in
Northeast Indiana. You will include in your writing the extent of the population, resources and supports they may have
in the community (community centers, faith base institutions, specific heritage language programs, family ties, etc.). You
will also include information on what you learned about their background, mannerism, country of immigration,
traditions, family dynamics. After learning about and describing the population, you have chosen, you will develop an
approach for engaging families from this group in your preschool early childcare classroom. How would you welcome
these families? What value do they offer to your classroom? How would you promote validation of their home language
and heritage and encourage home language use with their children? What biases might you have to overcome to work
with this group. Are some questions you can think about when developing your approach.

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