“COLONIALISM”: Ian Spears’ controversial article “The US Occupation Was Colonial

“COLONIALISM”: Ian Spears’ controversial article “The US Occupation Was Colonialism that Prevented Afghan Determination” makes several arguments about the effects of a 20-year US occupation on the Afghan people. At what points in this article do you agree or disagree with Spears? Please write a response to this article using outside sources to support your points when you agree with or disagree with some of the claims that Spears makes here.
Link to the article: https://theconversation.com/amp/the-u-s-occupation-of-afghanistan-was-colonialism-that-prevented-afghan-self-determination-167615Links to an external site.
make three arguments and use (a minimum of two quotes from Fanons the Wretched of the Earth to support your points.
Brainstorm. What do you already know about this topic? What ideas do you already have? What do you want to find out about?
THESIS STATEMENT. What is the argument you would like to make? What is a bold claim you want to present in response to something you have read?
Write an introduction that includes a THESIS statement.
Construct body paragraphs that support different aspects of your THESIS statement. You should use a MINIMUM of 2 (TWO) quotations from the Wretched of the Earth to support your points.
Construct a conclusion that revisits your THESIS statement and that answers a “SO WHAT?” question.
The introduction should answer the question: “Why is what I’m about to say important? Why does it matter? Why do I need to say this?” For THIS paper if you are doing the Spears/Colonialism topic you are in a position of authority and your opinion as a Gen Z Afghan is really important and interesting. Most of you want to extend Spears’ arguments, that is, agreeing with him by adding to what he says and giving examples of your own (you will need to bring your own material to the table and back your points up with facts/research). Some of you want to counter some of Spears’ arguments, that is, disagreeing with him by offering facts that contradict his claims and giving examples of your own (facts/research please!). A few of you want to BOTH extend AND counter which I encourage! It’s always a strength to show that you can see both sides of an argument.
The conclusion should answer the question: “Now that I have done this analysis and made these arguments, what can I say now that I could not say before? What have I learned from having done this analysis? What did I just say and why did it matter (beyond what I already said in the introduction…)” For the Colonialism/Spears topic you will have now brought Fanon in to your body paragraphs and discussed Fanon in relation to what Spears says. What happens when you put Fanon and Spears side by side? To what degree does what Fanon says about colonialism agree with what Spears says about Afghanistan? Where do they differ?

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