Think about your personal definition of leadership. How does this definition fro

Think about your personal definition of leadership. How does this definition from ChatGPT compare to your own experience with leadership, good or bad? How have your views on leadership shifted over time or with experience?
Critique the ChatGPT output, and support your response with information from your reading and/or electronic sources – preferably from peer-reviewed sources.
Here’s what ChatGPT says about leadership:
“Leadership is the process of inspiring, guiding, and influencing individuals or groups towards a common goal or vision, often through effective communication, decision-making, and the demonstration of integrity and empathy. It involves setting a positive example, fostering collaboration, and adapting to various circumstances while motivating and empowering others to achieve their best potential, ultimately driving progress, innovation, and positive change within an organization, community, or any context where it is exercised.”

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