You have read about basic temperament and how it might be related to personality.
Temperament refers to a person’s natural predispositions, so for example, if you have a
temperament that is sensitive to loud noises, you might develop personality
characteristics that look like shyness or preferring isolation. This unit includes a video
clip that talks about how a temperament for impulsivity relates to future success. Just
imagine the problems you might run into if you gave in to every impulse you had!
For this assignment, read the following article and write a one-page descriiption covering
the following questions.
Heshmat, S. (2017, March 25). 10 strategies for developing self-control. Psychology
Today. [Blog Post]
• What is the marshmallow test and what does it show?
• Who first used the test and what did they find?
• Rate yourself on self-control and give some examples of how you have shown
either poor, or good, self-control recently.
• Why do you believe that researchers think that self-control would be useful?
• Describe which of the strategies listed in the article would work best for you and
explain why.
• Incorporate all ideas into your own words.
• The document should conform to APA format, including in-text citations for
referenced works.
• Complete your work in a Microsoft Word document.
Be sure to read the criteria by which your work will be evaluated before you write
and again after you write.
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