Here′s the Professor′s instructions: Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno argue

Here′s the Professor′s instructions: Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno argue in their book Dialectic of Enlightenment that the radical pursuit of scientific knowledge and instrumental rationality paradoxically yields highly irrational results and plunges humanity back into mythology and barbarism. In a single essay of 700 to 800 words, write about how Huxley′s novel Brave New World supports or contradicts this thesis. 1. Briefly summarize Horkheimer and Adorno′s central idea in your own words. You may want to refer to the Romantics′ critique of rationality in this context. 2. Relate Horkheimer and Adorno′s thesis to Mond′s argument and the Savage′s counterargument. Is it possible to reject the Brave New World as a barbarian society without at the same time criticizing the absolute reign of reason and the dominating role of technology? Let me know if you want me to email about what Mond′s argument is. The professor shares it in the commentary of the lesson. Please use secondary sources from Google Scholar or other scholarly websites.

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